How to Opt-Out

What If I Want To Opt-Out?

There are great benefits to both you and your medical providers in being part of BSCC. You providers rely on current, accurate, and complete information to provide you with quality care. We encourage you to discuss any potential opt-out request with your provider regarding the extent to which you do or don’t want your health information shared, and how your provider can accommodate the request.

It’s Your Decision

While there are great benefits to being part of the BSCC network, you can opt out by informing your provider that you do not want your health information accessed. To do so you may:

• Fill out this form and mail it to BSCC Opt-Out Team 2021 11th Avenue, Suite 11 Helena, MT 59601, or

• Fill out this online form and submit it directly.

If your provider(s) are participating in BSCC, they are required to notify you of their participation.

If you visit a doctor’s office, hospital, or clinic that is participating in the BSCC HIE and do not want your health information accessed, simply tell the doctor or other healthcare provider and ask to sign an “Opt-out” form. We encourage you to first talk to your doctor about this decision or to review our FAQs about the HIE.

Let’s start a conversation about how you can advance healthcare for all Montanans with Big Sky Care Connect.